Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Week Countdown

We have had a week to get used to the news of our possible impending adoption. And now we have a week to get ready for Baby's arrival. But that, of course, depends on the baby's schedule of when he would like to make his appearance.

So far the plan is that Baby's Birth Mother will call the agency when she has gone into labor and they will in turn call us. We live about 85 miles from the hospital in Richmond. I have been making a list of must do's. I must keep the car fully fueled. I must keep my cell phone fully charged and with me at all times. We must make sure we have a car seat to bring Beanie Baby home.

Our agency's social worker reports that the Birth Mother is experiencing a lot of pressure, but that the baby hasn't dropped yet. Having never been pregnant, I don't know exactly what that means. Baby's Birth Mother has agreed that I join her in the delivery room. I just can't even imagine it all. We are ready no matter what. What will be, will be.