Saturday, August 29, 2009


In all the rush to get to the beach I nearly forgot that today is the 4th anniversary for Hurricane Katrina. Growing up on the east coast I learned to have a healthy respect for hurricanes and nor'easters. I have also always had strong ties to southern Louisiana. Many family members, including my Dad, have worked on fish boats in the Gulf of Mexico. When I was a kid in the 70's I remember the adults saying that one day there would be a storm that would take out either New Orleans, Houma or Morgan City (the latter two cities were home to fish factories).

Later, I attended college in New Orleans. During my first week there was a hurricane brewing in the Gulf. Before I learned anything else in college I learned how to prepare for a hurricane. It has stuck with me through the years. I always fuel up the car, get cash, stockpile water, canned goods and batteries. Usually it winds up being nothing. But I always prepare. Good thing. In Virginia we got hit in 2003 by Hurricane Isabelle and in 2006 by Topical Depression Ernesto. Most people were out of power for days or even weeks. It was inconvenient, but it was nothing like Katrina.

I woke up the day before it hit and looked at the weather forecast. I started crying. I just knew this was "the storm". I was on pins and needles all day Monday at work. Ran home to watch the news. I remember seeing Shepard Smith for the first time. He was in the French Quarter. He looked relieved the storm had passed, but he still looked like the danger was not gone. The next day, of course, the levees broke and it is all now history. I stayed glued to the TV. Even when we went on vacation the following week, I kept watching.

I don't know what I'm trying to say here. It's late. I've had some wine. Some people seem to think the hurricane is no big deal now. But I will never forget.

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