Monday, February 28, 2011

I couldn't make up this story even if I tried...

Today we spoke to the Texas adoption agency. It was a call I had been dreading. But it was ok. While we won't get back any of the money that went towards the birth mother's living expenses, we will receive a partial refund on the agency's fee. The social worker asked us to consider staying on with them to find another match and we said we would definitely think about it. We feel the agency did a very good job and I would recommend them to anyone looking for an agency in Texas.

So we decided to have lunch together and we talked about how it all went. We also talked about what to do when our home study expires in May. We have mixed feelings about our agency in Virginia and we discussed our options. So many decisions and it is so hard to know what to do.

Later in the afternoon, my cell phone rang. It was a call from our Virginia adoption agency. I quickly answered it, thinking "what on earth is this all about?" It  was the child placing supervisor and she wanted to know if I had a few minutes to talk. Well, of course.

She told me she had been working with a birth mother for a couple of weeks and this young woman wants to meet us! My exact response was, "you gotta be kidding me, right?" But no, she was not kidding. We will be meeting her in Richmond next Monday. I was shaking like I don't know what. I called Hunter to tell him. I couldn't get the words out. My voice was so high I think only dogs could understand me. But I finally got the words out. "A BIRTH MOTHER WANTS TO MEET US!"

And then, after I settled back down to work, my phone rang again and it was from the Texas agency! She wanted to know if we would like to be considered for a birth mother she was going to meet this afternoon. UNREAL.

Somebody at the office said I should buy a lottery ticket tonight. *Sighs* If only I was the gambling kind.

More news later, hopefully...


  1. I pray that at least one of the birth mothers chose you and Hunter, wouldn't it be interesting if both did?

  2. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Hope you hear good news soon.

  3. Wow, this sounds so promising.
    I am a bit stunned that you don't get all your money back after a failed match. It just seems so wrong when it wasn't your decision to make. I guess some is better than nothing though.

  4. We knew up front that the agency would need to be compensated for the time that they work on our case. It was stated in the financial agreement that we signed when we decided to accept the birth mother match. I was anxious that they might try to pull a hard sell to convince us to remain with them so that they would keep all of the fee. But they were very professional and said it was our decision to make. It was certainly better than the last agency that tried to harass us into sending money before we could even make up our mind on the match. Agencies with very poor practices exist. I am relieved this was not one of those.
