Saturday, July 18, 2009


I read a lovely blog the other day. It was by a woman who paid tribute to her husband in such an eloquent way. She basically said she had waited so long to find someone to share her life with that it had positive and negative effects on her life. She explained that when she got discouraged about their adoption wait, she would remind herself how long it took to find her mate and that it didn't matter now because he was worth the wait and so would their child.

They apparently met later in life as did my husband and I. I completely understood where she was coming from. I never thought it would happen and then I met Hunter. The wait to find a spouse was excruciating, even though I acted like it wasn't. I responded to her saying that I should tell my husband every day that he was so worth the wait.

And then he came home from work.

He works for an electric co-op. We had a terrible storm Sunday afternoon with a lot of power outages. This means that he basically works from sun up to sun down trying to get people's electricity back on. During this time the co-op provides its employees and visiting crews with breakfast, lunch and dinner. They treated all to a big steak dinner Wednesday night after they got all the power back on. Hunter kindly brought me some leftovers from that dinner.

Then he gets home Friday night. He is carrying an arm load of chips in snack bags like you would pack in a kids lunch. OK. The co-op was getting rid of what was left over. Fine. He then starts hauling in left over cokes and juice bottles. He keeps unloading the car. I swear he covered the kitchen table with all this stuff. The kicker was when he started pulling out fruit. Plums, Nectarines, etc. Then he pulled out, I swear, almost 2 dozen already ripe bananas. What????

"What are we gonna do with those?" I asked.

"I thought we could make banana pudding" he said.

"We", I have learned over the years means ME. I told him "We will not be making any pudding"

Mind you this was the night after he brought home 4 dozen ears of sweet corn from his parents for us to put away. I love sweet corn, but please. We spent 2 nights sawing it off the cob and vacuum packing that corn. Now he wants me to make banana pudding. WTF??

He drives me crazy. But he is my partner and I waited so long for him. I am not the most patient person in the world and at this age I am not the most flexible either. But he puts up with me. When he does crazy things like bringing home 2 dozen ripe bananas I have to remind myself...

He does his own laundry
He knows how to load/unload the dishwasher
He never makes me cut the grass
He faithfully changes the oil in my car
He always steals me a ham biscuit from the co-op board meetings
He gives me wonderful hugs and kisses every morning even though I am too grumpy to appreciate until later.

Sure he could help change the bed every once and a while and maybe he could learn to cook a few dishes. But he is who he is and I love him. He wants to be a dad so bad and he will be the best dad ever.

Love you, H-Bear.


  1. Ha Ha! This made me chuckle! I swear, the things that drive me crazy about my husband are the same things that made me fall in love with him 14 years ago. I notice you became "official" in May. Good luck to you!!

  2. How did you teach your husband to load and unload the dishwasher?? LOL Such a cute post - and thanks for checking out my blog! Fingers crossed that you will have wonderful news soon...

  3. It was a battle of wills. We were joking about it last night. He knows how to unload, just not where everything goes. So I am usually tearing the kitchen apart trying to find this and that. Oh well, you've got to pick your battles ;)
