Friday, July 10, 2009

2 Dozen Deviled Eggs Later...

Another big weekend is over. And we did it! We were able to complete the 5K in about 43 minutes. Not in the front of the pack, but not last either. Learned a few lessons, like don't eat a power bar and drink water just before racing. Result is upset stomach. Had to walk a lot of the last mile, but finished the race running. Very happy with results despite not feeling so good. Now we're looking for a 10K to compete in this fall.

The rest of the weekend was a blast as usual. Hunter's parents and aunt and uncle joined us for the parade and the fireworks cruise. My brother, sister-in-law and their kids came down to visit. The kids enjoyed playing in the sprinkler with their cousin at my aunt's house which happens to be on the parade route. They were super excited about the parade. My neice is 3 and didn't quite grasp the concept of people throwing candy off the floats. She stood holding her bag open as the floats went by as though they would just throw the candy straight into her bag! She didn't realize she had to run and pick it off the ground. Then she started yelling to them to throw more candy. Too funny.

On Sunday we went to Aunt Jo's and for Show and Tell we decided to announce our decision to adopt and tell everybody what progress we had made so far. As Hunter put it, "This year we'll tell and next year, hopefully, we'll show". We had many family members approach us afterwards offering congratulations and asking questions. Everyone was so positive and encouraging. Some shared their own experiences with adoption. I even found out one of my cousins had been in the middle of applying for a Korean adoption when she found out she was pregnant 17 years ago. I had no idea. Some time ago, our social worker asked us how our immediate family felt about our decision to adopt. I told her that they wished we would hurry up already. It's nice to know we have even more support from our extended family, too.

So, another holiday weekend has ended. Now it's time to enjoy the rest of the summer. We finally have cucumbers and squash and sweet corn from the garden. The Fireman's Carnival will be opening at the end of the month. Next thing we know it'll be vacation time. Can't wait.

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