Looking back over my blog, it seems like I have written about I don't know how many hurricanes, nor'easters and other natural phenomenons. Yes, I grew up and now live on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia, so these storms happen from time to time. And yes, I spent 4 years in New Orleans for college where I basically was on hurricane alert at the beginning of every fall semester. As a result of these experiences, I do not have a cavalier attitude towards any of these storms. I always prepare the same way. I gas up the car, get cash, make sure the pantry has non-perishable food items, etc.
I'm not one to worry about what ifs. I just deal with the storms as they come. But this one is different. It is the first time I have a child to think of. Currently, according to NOAA, we are in the pink zone which indicates we are in a hurricane watch area. We probably won't get a direct hit like the Outer Banks of North Carolina, but I can predict we are gonna lose power maybe for days and have lots of storm damage. This means Hunter will be at work from sun up until sun down until everyone has electricity and I will have to learn to manage with the baby on my own.
Storm preparation has been a little different this time. We have a generator, so we are ok for big people food and the Co-Op feeds its employees breakfast, lunch and dinner during these crises. So today I stocked up on formula, cereal and baby food since RJ just started eating these things last weekend. I get a crash course Friday night on operating the generator and then we wait and see. Oh, please let Irene be easy on us.
Please be careful and stay safe during the hurricane. Glad you have a generator and will have back-up when the power goes off. I can relate to having to cope on your own. I told hubby this afternoon that this will be the first time he will be home during a storm.