The next day I remembered at message board topic from over a year ago. The topic was what prospective adoptive parents should buy and have on hand for when they got "the call". One woman listed all the items she had stored in a diaper bag that would be ready to go at any moment. I actually took the time to type up a list and then promptly forgot about it.
Well, in light of that swift placement, I decided maybe I should be more prepared. So I went to Wal Mart and bought a few things off the list. Nothing extravagant. Some diapers, baby wipes, onesies and receiving blankets. I already had this great bag that I wasn't sure what to use it for. It makes an excellent make-shift diaper bag. I guess I'll keep adding to it. Gives me a little project while we wait for the call. Just another exercise in PMA!
I never realized that you could be given such short notice. Your bag sounds like a great idea. You will be prepared!