Monday, August 9, 2010

Start spreading the news

I never thought that spreading the word about our adoption plans would be so difficult. Our adoption attorney told us that we needed to constantly talk to others about adoption in order to keep it in the forefront of people's minds. She said just bring it up every time you meet someone. She even suggested that we send out mass emails every 3 months and a post card mailing every 6 months. I thought to myself at the time, that's a little excessive. But this weekend proved me wrong.

We went to Hunter's high school reunion. We did not attend the same high school. But it was a multi-year reunion and I actually did know a few people there. We just got these snazzy new adoption pass along cards and this event was our chance to start using them. It's a good thing, too. We were both shocked that barely any of the people we knew actually knew anything about our plan to adopt. We happen to live in a small town where it seems like everybody knows everybody else's business. But, apparently, not ours.

One friend asked me how our kids were. I looked at her in shock and said, "We don't have any children." Her turn to be shocked. She said she could have sworn that we did. Embarrassing little moment. But it did allow me to press some cards into her hand and tell her all about adoption. This was pretty much how the evening went. Then there was a friend of ours whom we see on a fairly regular basis. When I brought out the cards to distribute to our group of friends, she said (and I am not making this up) "I thought you all had just given up" WTF!!!

So guess who is spending this week preparing another mass email and working on address labels. In an earlier post I complained that this whole process is like walking through a maze with a blindfold on. Well, here is just another example. You'd think I would be getting the hang of it by now.

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