Looks like we will have to drag 15 dock pilons to higher ground tonight. This is the result of our dock not being complete yet. If they stay where they are, they will just float away when the waters rise over the dock like they do when we have this kind of storm. Then tomorrow we have to take the speed boat out of the water and make provisions for the Boston Whaler and wooden skiff my Dad has decided will live at our house from now on. All that to accomplish before Thursday, and even then we won't know if it will be okay to travel 3 hours to get to the campground on Saturday. By the way, if they have to evacuate the Outer Banks of North Carolina and the Tidewater region of Virginia, we basically would be like salmon swimming upstream trying to get there. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it all.
Update: Mission accomplished for tonight.
Tomorrow night we deal with these.
My uncle who is a meteorological genius told me that a sure sign that a bad storm is coming is if it got real still and calm before. The water was so still tonight as seen in the pictures. And there was not a breath of air out there tonight. Stay tuned...
"Earl & his girlfriend, Fiona" - ha ha!